Kit Johnson
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Free/Open Books for Immigration and Crimmigration

Exam Archive

Law Review Articles:

Name, Image, and Likeness Deals and Immigration Consequences for International Student-Athletes,
76 Oklahoma Law Review 15 (2023) (with Eric E. Johnson)
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Lawful Work While Undocumented: Business Entity Solutions,
64 Arizona Law Review 89 (2022)
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An Immigration Solution for Improving Rural Healthcare,
124 West Virginia Law Review 741 (2022)
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Tales of a Flow Stayed by Nothing: Menstruation in Immigration Detention,
42 Columbia Journal of Gender & Law Online 1 (2021)
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Rising Up Without Pushing Down: Lessons Learned from the Suffragettes’ Anti-Immigrant Rhetoric,
94 St. John's University Law Review 937 (2021)
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Women of Color in Immigration Enforcement,
21 Nevada Law Journal 997 (2021)
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Universities as Vehicles for Immigrant Integration,
46 Fordham Urban Law Journal 580 (2019)
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The Mythology of Sanctuary Cities,
28 Southern California Interdisciplinary Law Journal 589 (2019)
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Pereira v. Sessions: A Jurisdictional Surprise for Immigration Courts,
50 Columbia Human Rights Law Review 1 (2019)
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A Citizenship Market,
2018 University of Illinois Law Review 969 (2018)
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Beauty and the Beast: Disney's Use of the Q and H-1B Visas,
12 NYU Journal of Law & Liberty 124 (2018)
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Opportunities & Anxieties: A Study of International Students in the Era of Trump,
22 Lewis & Clark Law Review 413 (2018)
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Can We Act Globally While Thinking Locally? Responding to Stella Burch Elias, The Perils and Possibilities of Refugee Federalism,
67 American University Law Review 217 (2017)
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A Cost Benefit Analysis of the Federal Prosecution of Immigration Crimes,
92 Denver University Law Review 863 (2015)
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"Vast Hordes... Crowding In Upon Us": The Executive Branch's Response to Mass Migration and the Legacy of Chae Chan Ping,
68 Oklahoma Law Review 185 (2015) (with Margaret Taylor)
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Chae Chan Ping at 125: An Introduction,
68 Oklahoma Law Review 3 (2015)
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Theories of Immigration Law,
46 Arizona State Law Journal 1211 (2014)
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Buying the American Dream: Using Immigration Law to Bolster the Housing Market,
81 Tennessee Law Review 829 (2014)
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Immigration Preemption After Arizona v. United States (debate with Peter J. Spiro),
161 University of Pennsylvania Law Review Online 100 (2012)
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Importing the Flawless Girl,
12 Nevada Law Journal 831 (2012)
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The Wonderful World of Disney Visas,
63 Florida Law Review 915 (2011)
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Patients without Borders: Extralegal Deportation by Hospitals,
78 University of Cincinnati Law Review 657 (2009)
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Book Chapters:

National Visa Policy of the United States,
The Oxford Handbook of Comparative Immigration Law (2025, projected)
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